Book Tags

The Unique Blogger Award pt. 4

The Unique Blogger Award

Hello bookworms!!

I was nominated for this award by Luna. Thank you so much Luna for the nomination. If you aren’t already following Luna’s blog you should definitely check it out.

The Rules:

  • Share the link of the blogger who has shown love to you by nominating you.
  • Answer the questions.
  • In the spirit of sharing love and solidarity with our blogging family, nominate 8-13 people for the same award.
  • Ask them 3 questions.

Luna’s Questions:

1.) You are in the bookstore and you see someone walking around for an hour looking at all the books looking lost. Finally, you decide to ask them if they need help. They admit they have no idea what book to read next, what book would you recommend?

Ok first off Luna how am I supposed to just pick one? So many books come to mind so I’m going to make a list.

  1. November 9 by Colleen Hoover
  2. Watching Glass Shatter by James J. Cudney
  3. Fear the Hacker by J. Arthur Squires
  4. Any Nicholas Sparks book
  5. The Harry Potter series.

Ok so I am going to stop now because I’m just naming off a bunch of my favorites.

2.) Imagine you get the opportunity to go back in time, maybe a mad scientist has figured out the technology, who knows? Anyway, the only thing is you need to feed the contraption a classic book and you travel to the time that it was written. What book would you feed that machine?

I don’t think I can really answer this question because I haven’t read very many classics and the ones I have read so far I’m not a fan of and I definitely wouldn’t want to go back to that time period.

3.) You are in the library and you see someone reading at a table. Then you see the worst thing imaginable…. they are doing your bookish pet-peeve. What are they doing to that poor book?!

Hmm… I don’t really think I have any bookish pet peeves. Are there things that I don’t like doing to my books well of course like dog earring pages or having stickers on them or using them as a coaster etc. but I’m not really opposed to doing those things if I had too except maybe using it as a coaster lol.

My questions for you:

I love Luna’s questions for me so I want you to answer the same ones if you choose to do this tag. Don’t feel like you have to do this if you don’t want too.

I nominate:





12 thoughts on “The Unique Blogger Award pt. 4

  1. Congratulations, Misty! Wow, unique questions! Ooops, I sometimes use my book as a coaster… only briefly though! whenever I don’t have enough space left other than putting my coffee mug on top of a book…

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