
Down The TBR Hole #15

Hello bookworms!!

Down The TBR Hole is a meme created by lost in a story that revolves around cleansing your TBR of all those books you’re never going to read and sort through it all to know what’s actually on there.

Most of you probably know this feeling, your Goodreads TBR pile keeps growing and growing and it seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. You keep adding, but you add more than you actually read. And then when youre scrolling through your list, you realize that you have no idea what half the books are about and why you added them. Well, thats going to change!

It works like this:

  • Go to your Goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 (or even more!) if youre feeling adventurous) books. Of course, if you do this weekly, you start where you left off the last time.
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go

I have decided that I am only going to include images of the books I am keeping so I don’t use up too much of my photo storage. Also, if I haven’t started a series, I am only going to be keeping the first book in the series. There’s a possibility they will be added back if I enjoyed the first book enough to want to carry on. And lastly, I can already tell you that if I own the book, I will not be taking it off my want to read shelf whether it’s the first book in a series or the last.



This has been on my TBR for so long and I really want to read it but for some reason I’ve just never gotten around to reading it. I’m going to keep this on my TBR and hopefully get to it sooner rather than later.

Dorothy Must Die

I was on the fence about whether or not I still wanted to read this one but after reading the synopsis and some reviews I have decided I am still interested so I will be keeping it.


The Enchantress Returns by Chris Colfer

A Grimm Warning by Chris Colfer

Beyond the Kingdoms by Chris Colfer

An Author’s Odyssey by Chris Colfer

The Wicked Will Rise by Danielle Paige

Yellow Brick War by Danielle Paige

The End of Oz by Danielle Paige

Every Last Word by Tamara Ireland Stone

  • Kept – 2
  • Removed – 8
  • Starting Amount – 1,746
  • Previous Amount – 1,590
  • New Amount – 1,582

I got rid of 8 this week and kept 2. I have to point out that the new amount total does not include the books I have added to my TBR since starting this little challenge. Once I get to the end, I will let y’all know how many books I added while doing this. Did I get rid of a book that you think I should keep? Let me know in the comments why you think I should add it back because I can definitely be persuaded to change my mind. 


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