Book Tags

The 20 Questions Book Tag

Hello bookworms!!

I am so behind today. I slept in today until 12:15 and when I woke up I had a really bad headache which happens every time I sleep so late but yet I still keep sleeping in. Anyways today is tag day so I am going to be doing The 20 Questions Book Tag that Noriko from Diary of a Book Fiend tagged me in. Thank you so much for the tag Noriko!! If you aren’t already following her you definitely should she is one of the kindest people I have had the pleasure of getting to know.

I’m not sure who the creator is of this tag so if you know please let me know in the comments so I can give them credit. Ok lets jump in shall we.


1. How many books is too many books in a book series?

Honesty it depends on how into the story I am and how well done they are. I think the longest series I have read was the Harry Potter series and I loved them. I would be willing to tackle a longer series if it was something I was into.

2.How do you feel about cliffhangers?

I have touched on this a couple times recently. If the cliffhangers are at the end of chapters I am perfectly fine with that because it makes me want to keep reading but for a cliffhanger to work for me at the end of the book everything needs to be wrapped up in that book. So basically I am ok if its a cliffhanger that leaves thing open for the next book but I don’t want to be left with so many unanswered questions on that book. I hope that makes sense.

3.Hardback or paperback?

I honestly don’t care either way. I usually buy which ever one is cheaper or available. Hardbacks are more aesthetically pleasing on the bookshelf but I have a mix. The only thing is if I buy a book in paperback then I want the entire series in paperback or hardback. They have to match.

4. Favorite book?

This could be so many different books but I am going to go with my most recent obsession of Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli. I read this 3 times in one month and I am impatiently waiting for the DVD to come out next month so I can watch it over and over again.

Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda

5. Least favorite book?

There was just way to much going on in Tarquin Jenkins and the Book of Dreams by Peter Ford for me to enjoy it. I ended up forcing myself to read it and it began to feel like a chore.

Tarquin Jenkins and the Book of Dreams

6. Love triangles, yes or no?

Absolutely 100% yes!! I am one of the odd balls who loves all the tropes. I’m a huge romance fan and I just love all things romance.

7. The most recent book you just couldn’t finish?

The most recent book I DNFed was back in January and that was No-One Ever Has Sex on Christmas Day by Tracy Bloom. To be fair I think a big part of the reason I had trouble with this book is because it’s the second or third book in a series.

No-One Ever Has Sex on Christmas Day

8. A book you’re currently reading?

I am currently still working my way through The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. I’m a little over halfway through right now.

The Book Thief

9. Last book you recommended to someone?

I can’t remember if I have actually recommended a specific book to someone but I think that every time I rave about a book that is in a way me recommending it.

10. Oldest book you’ve read? (Publication date)

Persuasion by Jane Austen was originally published in 1817.


11. Newest book you’ve read? (Publication date)

Father Figure by James J. Cudney was published April 2, 2018 and I highly recommend this book if you haven’t already read it.

Father Figure

12. Favorite author?

I am sure most of you by now can tell me who my favorite author is as much as I talk about it but I will tell y’all again for those of you who don’t know. My all time favorite author is Nicholas Sparks. There has been several authors who have became favorites the past couple of years but no one will ever take the place of Nicholas Sparks for me. Sorry to all the other Authors!

13. Buying books or borrowing books?

Both. I can’t afford to buy all the books I want no matter how much I want to so I will borrow them from my library if they are available or I will buy them on sale.

14. A book you dislike that everyone else seems to love?

I don’t necessarily dislike Heartless by Marissa Meyer but it was way over hyped for me and it was kind of a let down for me since I had high expectations for it that it just didn’t live up to.


15. Bookmarks or dog-ears?

Definitely bookmarks. I will admit when I was younger I dog eared my books but back then I wasn’t into reading like I am now and I just didn’t care.

16. A book you can always reread?

I know I’ve already mentioned Simon in this post but I have to mention it again for this question because like I said previously I am obsessed. Aside from Simon another obvious answer would be the Harry Potter series.

Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda

17. Can you read while hearing music?

No. I prefer to read in complete silence or while listening to ocean sounds on YouTube. If anything is on that has words in it I get distracted.

18. One POV or multiple POV’s? (POV’s = Point of views)

I used to always have trouble with multiple POV but now I really like them so either one works for me now.

19. Do you read a book in one sitting or over multiple days?

It depends on how into the book I am and how long it is. Usually it’s over multiple days but I have been known to finish a book in one sitting a few times.

20. A book you’ve read because of the cover?

None. I never pick up a book and read it solely because of the cover. Yeah sure the cover is what initially draws me to the book but I will immediately read the synopsis before I decide if I am going to read it or not.

I’m not going to tag anyone because this post is going up so late and I’m honestly too lazy right now so if you haven’t done this tag yet and you want to then consider yourself tagged just please link back to me so I can read your answers.



11 thoughts on “The 20 Questions Book Tag

  1. Great post ❤ How are you liking The Book Thief so far?

    Oh and so totally understand that urge of having same kinda books for the whole series. They just HAVE to match somehow.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The first half has been very slow going so far and at the moment I’m not seeing what all the hype over it is about. Everyone has told me to wait for the second half so I’m hoping things will pickup for me.

      Yeah I used to not care so much about that but they just look so good together when they match.


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