Book Tags

The Book Blogger Test Tag


Hello bookworms!!

Thank you Jenna from Bookmark Your Thoughts for tagging me in The Book Blogger Test Tag. Click the link above to be taken to her blog so you can follow her.

The Rules

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog.
  2. Answer the questions asked on this post — don’t stress, it’s quick!
  3. Nominate and notify some peeps — the magical number is 5.

What are your top 3 book pet peeves?

  1. I hate when stickers are put on the books.
  2. When everything in the book could have been prevented if the characters just communicated with each other.
  3. Cliffhangers!!!! Although it seems like every book I’ve read lately has ended with a cliffhanger of some sort so I’ve kind of gotten used to them but I still despise them lol.

Name a perfect reading spot.

My perfect reading spot would have to be somewhere quiet like by the ocean or in a cabin near the river with a cozy blanket.

Give 3 reading confessions

  1. I used to flip to the back of the book to see how the book ended but I only did that when a book was making me really anxious and I haven’t done that in a while.
  2. I am a lover of all the tropes even the romance ones. Yes sometimes they aren’t done very good but I still can’t help but enjoy them.
  3. I used to hate reading when I was a kid and I’ve only really gotten into reading in the past 3-4 years.

When was the last time you cried during a book?

I got teary eyed last month while reading All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover but the last time I full on cried like a baby was back in 2017 when I read November 9 by Colleen Hoover. The funny thing was I wasn’t crying while reading it but as soon as I started trying to explain what was happening to my husband the tears just started coming and I couldn’t stop them.

Number of books on your bedside table

I don’t actually have books on my bedside table because I don’t read in bed but I do have books sitting on my bookshelf that is right beside my chair where I do all of my reading. I currently have 6 books on there.

Favorite reading snack

I don’t really have a specific snack. Most of the time I don’t snack and when I do it’s just what ever we have in the house. I do always have something to drink though which is usually water.

What are 3 books you’d recommend to anyone?

  1. Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
  2. Stalking Jack the Ripper series by Kerri Maniscalco
  3. Illuminae trilogy by Amie Kaufmann and Jay Kristoff

Provide a picture of your bookshelf


This is just one little corner of my bookshelf and it doesn’t even look like this at the moment.

How much do books mean to you in 3 words?


I Tag: I tend to tag the same people over and over again when I actually follow the rules and tag people so today I am going to be tagging a few of my most recent followers. Don’t feel obligated to do this if you don’t want to I just wanted to show y’all some love

Time to Read

The bookworm girl

Bookish Wanderess

Living a Hundred Lives

Paperbacks and Planners



18 thoughts on “The Book Blogger Test Tag

  1. Thanks for the tag! Enjoyed reading your answers and I could totally relate to your Bookish pet peeves!! And I super agree with your reading spot. I can’t focus on reading when it’s noisy so a quiet place/nook would be really nice. And I think a book is really suoer great if it made me cry 😂

    Love your recommendations! I have the Illuminae Files on my shelf already but still haven’t gotten to reading them yet. Planning to read it soon though! 😉 i’m sooo behind tags but I’m actually looking forward to do this too soon. ✨

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome!! It’s nice to see that other people agree with my answers. I loved the Illuminae Files and I am actually hoping to reread them this year. I am always behind on my tags so there’s no rush to do it just get to it whenever you can.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I hate stickers on books., actually I hate stickers everywhere because most are so hard to get off.
    I flip to the end of an anxious book too. If I don’t have much time, I also count how many pages there are in a chapter before I start reading it because I hate stopping in the middle of it.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh no you’re definitely not the only one. The only time I will stop in the middle of a chapter is if I don’t have a choice like if someone is waiting on me or something like that.


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