
A Post I Never Thought I’d Be Making

Hello bookworms!!

In December I started posting on my blog everyday. I kept that up until about mid August but ever since then my posting has been very sporadic. A big reason for this is because on August 9th I started watching the show Blue Bloods on Netflix. I watched the first season in 2 days and after that I was obsessed. I ended up watching 9 season which by the way was 199 episodes in 20 days. That put me in a reading slump. I was still reading some but no where near as much as I’m used to. After finishing the show I thought I would for sure get back to my regular schedule of blogging and reading but that hasn’t happened and I don’t see it happening for a while.

So here is the decision I have made. I am stepping away from blogging for a while. I have blog tours and reviews I have committed to already so I will still be doing those but other than that I have no plans. I might post here and there but I don’t know. I don’t even know how long I will be gone. Right now I am thinking I will come back in January and start fresh but we will see. I still plan to blog hop and keep up with everyone I just won’t be sharing anything. I also still plan to be active on Instagram. I have 2 Instagram accounts, one for books and the other one is for pretty much everything else. I’m also still going to be on Twitter as well. So if you aren’t following me at any of these I would love if you did.

Another reason I am deciding to step away is because I am not loving it as much as I used to and I am feeling overwhelmed with everything. I think it’s because of being backed up with all the review copies and signing up for all the blog tours it’s just not fun anymore. I want to be able to read the books I own and not have to worry about meeting a deadline.

Anyways that’s all I have for you today. I hope y’all stick around even though I won’t be posting for a while but I understand if you don’t. Don’t forget to follow me everywhere else if you want to keep up with what I am up to. Oh I almost forgot about Goodreads. I am active there as well. Ok now for real I am signing off.


56 thoughts on “A Post I Never Thought I’d Be Making

  1. I totally get how you feel, Misty, and I don’t post anywhere near the amount that you do. We all need a break sometimes. Enjoy your break and see you when you get back! ❤❤❤

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    1. I think that’s my biggest problem. All of the ARCs and review commitments. I think once I get caught up in them I am going to give myself a limit or maybe just not get them anymore. I have so many books on my TBR already that I can be reading.

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      1. Sometimes the pressure to review and post is just too much. Blogging should be fun, not a task. I think that we (bloggers) put a lot of pressure on ourselves to post, to review, etc. Maybe we should just loosen up a bit, pause the arcs requests when we feel like it and just have fun reading. 🙂

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  2. Hey Misty.. that’s absolutely fine! I know that I feel like blogging only when I’m enjoying it😊
    That said, I’m going to miss reading your posts but I think I’m going to follow you on Instagram to read about your bookish life😊🤗 All the best!

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  3. I know the feeling about reading for you rather than deadlines.

    I think I’ll be refusing a lot more (I already say no to about 80% of requests) so I can focus on my own reading.

    Damn … so much TV in 20 days. My attention span isn’t there for that. I get bored after 20 mins usually and turn my tv off 🙈

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      1. I think I’m just not a tv/video game kind of guy any more.

        Best way. The author in me used to get frustrated that agents would say no to 99% of the people … now I know what it feels like to get stuff sent my way. Can’t say yes to all comers.

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  4. Sorry to see you go Misty but I completely understand your decision. When we start blogging we don’t realize just what an immense time commitment it will turn out to be. Oftentimes I’ve wondered if I can go on. I do enjoy it, but not nearly as much as I used to. I think book blogging might be something that can easily cause ‘burn out’. Right now I have over 190 review commitments. I only read about 100 books a year. I’m sure I can’t maintain this pace for much longer… I have stopped doing most blog tours and only have one more to do before the end of the year.

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  5. Netflix is really addictive while writing/blogging can be boring but definitely rewarding in the long run. Sad to see another once committed blogger be off wordpress.

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