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3 Mini Reviews: Alpha’s Revenge, Anne’s House Of Dreams And On Writing


Hello bookworms!!

So I have once again fallen behind on writing reviews which is why I am doing another mini review post but honestly I think I might start doing these instead of individual reviews. I’m not going to be including the synopsis of the books because I don’t want these posts to end up being too long but I will leave a link to them on Goodreads. Anyways here are my reviews for the last 3 books I’ve read.

Alpha's Revenge

Alpha’s Revenge by Catherine Stine

**.5 (2.5 stars)

I read this for an Instagram Tour I participated in and unfortunately it didn’t quite work for me. It has been a while since I read it and honestly I can’t remember all that I wanted to say about it. It was a short read so it should have been a quick read but I struggled to pick it up and read it and when I was reading it it was so slow. When I was reading it it had my attention enough to want to continue on with it but I didn’t really care about any of the characters and the main female lead kind of got on my nerves as well as the male lead honestly. Normally if I am in the middle of an action scene I want to keep reading but that wasn’t the case with this book. I literally stopped right when the action was picking up and I just didn’t care. This is the third book in a series of standalones written by 4 different authors and I just don’t see myself reading any of the other ones.

Anne's House of Dreams

Anne’s House of Dreams by L.M. Montgomery

**** (4 stars)

As y’all probably know by now I have been buddy reading this series with Erin from Reading With Wrin and I am having so much fun with our buddy read journey. I pretty much have the same thing to say about this book that I have said about previous books in the series. I am really enjoying following along with Anne as she grows and getting to know new characters. In my review for the previous book I mentioned that I wanted more of Gilbert and we did get that to some extent in this book but the author still managed to have him be in the background for the most part which at this point I am used to but I’m still annoyed about it. I also mentioned that all of the side characters were all pretty much the same. In this book we get to know knew characters and there were 2 that really stood out to me. They didn’t seem like someone we had previously gotten to know so that was good. Again still really enjoying these books and look forward to continuing on in the series next year.

On Writing

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King

**** (4 stars)

Ok So this book was a complete surprise to me. I read this with the #KeeperofKing group on Instagram. When it was announced that this would be Novembers pick I initially was going to skip this book but in the end I decided to read it along with everybody and I am so glad I did. I was expecting this to be like I was back in English class and while it is that to an extent King does such a good job of narrating his book and making it fun. The first part of the book is mostly about his life growing up and the last part is about the writing and his life. I personally don’t want to be a writer so the parts on writing weren’t helpful to me but King made it fun to listen to. I would have loved more about his life. Also I did actually learn some stuff about King while reading this. I definitely recommend this book even if like me you don’t want to be a writer.




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