
Mating the Huntress by Talia Hibbert #Tropeathon

Mating the Huntress


Title: Mating the Huntress

Author: Talia Hibbert

Publication Date: October 1, 2018

Genre: Paranormal Romance

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This Halloween, love bites back… hard.

Chastity Adofo knows a monster when she sees one. As soon as Luke Anthony wanders into her family’s coffee shop, she recognises the evil lurking beneath his charming smile and fantastic arse. The handsome werewolf is determined to have her—but she’s determined to cut out his heart.

Little does she know, Luke’s plans for her are far more pleasurable than murder. And when the full moon rises, all bets are off…

Warning: Mating the Huntress is 30,000+ words of red-hot, Halloween-themed romance. This novella contains one flirtatious, cursed creature of the night, one badass, knife-happy heroine, and forbidden lust at first sight. Please read responsibly!

My Review

Rating: 4 out of 5.

I admit I had no idea that Talia Hibbert wrote a paranormal romance novella until my friend Destiny recommended it to me recently for Tropeathon. I’ve read a few of her contemporary romances and really enjoyed them so I was looking forward to seeing what she would do with a paranormal romance. 

It took me a little bit to fully get into this one but once things picked up they really picked up. I loved both of the main characters although Chastity did kind of make me want smack her a few times. I loved that it’s a romance between a werewolf huntress and a werewolf. I loved seeing that dynamic. Their chemistry was obvious and I loved that Chastity communicated with her parents about what was going on even though it did take her a while to get to that point which leads me to my small complaint. I’m not a big fan of miscommunication/non communication. In this instance if she had talked to her parents sooner she wouldn’t have had to suffer as long as she did. It was obvious to me what was going on from the beginning. 

Overall it was an enjoyable read and I would totally read other paranormal romances novels by this author if she ever writes anymore. 


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