June TBR


Hello bookworms!!

I can’t believe it’s already time to share a TBR for June. We are already almost at the halfway point of the year which is mind boggling to me. Why is time flying by so fast? I’m really excited for this months TBR. I have the next book in a few series that I’ve been (im) patiently waiting for and some more buddy reads. Also Happy Pride month everyone. I plan on reading LGBTQIA+ books throughout this month as well. We should support all year round which I do as well. I only have 2 on my TBR for this month but I have plans to read others I just couldn’t decide on what I wanted to read so I’m going to pick whatever I’m in the mood for. Anyways lets get to the books shall we.

Your Coffin or Mine – This is a book I will be buddy reading with Destiny and Malli. When Destiny suggested this one to us all I needed to know was that it was a vampire book and I was instantly sold.

Leather & Lark – This is a buddy read with Destiny. We buddy read Butcher & Blackbird earlier this year and both loved it so much. This is one of the books I’ve been (im) patiently waiting on. We plan to pick it up as soon as our copies come in the mail.

Bespelled – The first book in this series was the Lost in Romance Book Club pick for last December. Destiny and I buddy read that book together and we’ve decided to buddy read the second book together as well.

The Rebel King – This is a buddy read I am doing with Ali. We read the first book last month and both were interested in continuing with the series so we said why not.

A Night Like This – And we have another buddy read. Ashley and I read the first book in this series last month and it was my favorite of the month and I really want to read the whole series since I own all of the books and she decided to read them with me.

To Sir Phillip, With Love – Ashley and I decided to read the Bridgerton series together as well. She has actually already read all of them and I am playing catch up. This is the 5th book out of 8.

Tempting the Dhampir – I follow an author and she recently had a Facebook party for hitting 500 followers. A lot of authors participated and even had giveaways. I entered in all of them and ended up winning this one. This is the authors debut novel and it hasn’t even been released yet. It’s another vampire book so y’all know that alone means I was sold.

Pop Star – This was last months pick for the Lost in Romance Book Club but I wasn’t able to get to it on time and I still really want to read it so I carried it over into this month. It’s a MM romance as well so it’s a perfect pick for June.

Flirting with Fire – I drew another book out of my kindle TBR jar and this is what was drawn. I’ve had this on my kindle for a little while now so it will be nice to get it read finally.

Heartsong – I started buddy reading this series with Jonny earlier this year. We’ve both been absolutely loving these books so we keep deciding to pick up the next book. This is the 3rd book in the series and there’s only one left after this which is kind of sad because I don’t want them to end.

Wrestling with Werewolves – This is the other book I’ve been (im) patiently waiting to be released and I will be buddy reading this one with Malli and Destiny as well. We’ve been buddy reading the entire series and loving it.

Burn for You – Last but not least we have the Lost in Romance Book Club pick for this month. I’ve had this on my kindle for a little bit so I’m glad to be getting it read.

Those are the 12 books I’m hoping to read in June. When I was deciding on my TBR I kept telling my husband I knew I was forgetting something but I couldn’t figure out what. I have in fact forgotten more than one book but I’m not including them on this list now because I like to keep it at 12 books or less but I do hope to read more than this. Have you read any of these books? What do you plan to read in June?


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