
Books I’ve DNFed

Hello bookworms!!

For todays post I thought I would talk about all of the books I have DNFed. I have only started DNFing books in the last year or so, so this list is pretty short but I thought it would be fun to share it with you guys.

Yep that’s right I have some how managed to only DNF 4 books which I think is pretty good. Out of these 4 I do plan on giving 2 of them another shot at some point so lets talk about those 2 first.

At the beginning of the year I said I wanted to read more classic novels and that’s how Pride and Prejudice & To Kill a Mockingbird was added to my TBR. With Pride and Prejudice I was having a hard time with the writing style and I was pretty bored with it so I decided to put it down at the time and come back to it I just haven’t picked it back up. As for To Kill a Mockingbird I just wasn’t liking the story and was once again bored with it. These are the two I definitely want to give another shot.

The last two on this list are love the one you’re with and Carve The Mark. I have no intentions whatsoever to finish either of these. I don’t remember a whole lot about love the one you’re with except for the fact that there was cheating involved and it wasn’t done very well which I couldn’t stand. I think I only got 100 or so pages in and I couldn’t take it anymore. As for Carve The Mark I was so bored. When I started reading it I read about 30 pages and had to put it down because I was so bored. It was basically just an info dump. After those first 30 pages I was forcing myself to continue reading it. I read 165 pages of it and then finally decided it wasn’t worth my time. I posted a DNF Mini Review if you’re interested in reading that.

That’s all for now but I am sure there will be a part 2 at some point in the future. Have you read any of the books I mentioned? Do you agree or disagree with my decision to DNF them? What books have you DNFed?


35 thoughts on “Books I’ve DNFed

  1. I’ve only DNF’d one book that I actually don’t plan on reading anymore. It was an author request and I just didn’t like it at all.
    Apart from that, I recently kicked Dracula and Interview with a Vampire off my “Currently reading”-shelf on Goodreads. I simply didn’t feel like reading those books for a long time so I put them back on my TBR. Definitely going to read them at one point, but I want to be in the mood for them first.

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  2. I heard that Curve the Mark is really hard to get through until Part 2 or so due to the world building or something (I watched JessetheReader’s video). I assume that book requires patience. Well, I do have Curve the Mark on the shelf, but I am not quite sure if I will ever read it lol And I agree with Roda; To Kill a Mockingbird might be slow, but definitely worth a read!!

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      1. Lol!! When I tried reading it I was being really patient with it because I wanted it to count toward all of my challenges and goals so I was giving it the benefit of the doubt but after 165 pages I couldn’t do it anymore.

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      2. Yeah, I know the feeling! It was exactly what happened to me yesterday. I wanted a light read and wanted to finish it because of my GR reading challenge, but reading 10% into the book, I simply couldn’t stand it anymore lol I just didn’t like it lol

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    1. I’m hoping to give it a try again. Maybe I just wasn’t in the mood for it when I first tried to read it. As for Carve the Mark I know there was a lot of controversy surrounding that book but I wanted to read it and form my own opinion of it so I borrowed it from my Library. The controversy surrounding it isn’t even what mad me DNF it. It was just so borrowing to me. I’m glad I borrowed it from the library instead of buying it.


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