
Mini Reviews: Beautifully Broken, Serpent & Dove And The Husband’s Secret Books 13-15 Of #20BooksofSummer21

Beautifully Broken

Beautifully Broken by Laura Lee

**** (4 stars)

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ecopy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

I am way late in getting this book read but better late than never right. Going into this book I was expecting it to be an emotional read and it definitely was. What I wasn’t expecting was the steaminess. That was I nice surprise. Kat has had to go through a lot of difficult things in her 18 years of life. We learn about everything she has had to endure throughout the story and it’s not pretty. How one person can go through as much as she has and still fight and have some semblance of hope is amazing. She’s not perfect and she has her own coping mechanisms which is how she ends up meeting Gavin one night.

Gavin is a swoon worthy hero. He literally is the perfect man. Don’t get me wrong he has his own set of flaws but he is perfect where it counts. Neither one of them expect their one night to lead to a deeper connection but it does which in itself has its on set of difficulties because it turns out that Gavin is Kat’s teacher. Neither one of them knew this when they hooked up and Kat is legal so the relationship didn’t bother me.

There was one scene in particular that literally ripped my heart out. I almost starting balling. That particular scene showed how much Kat had grown and I hurt for her because I just wanted her to be happy. She deserved to have something good in her life. I loved how we got a glimpse 4 years into the future because it ended how I wanted it to end. I really loved this book. There are definite trigger warnings so if you have triggers I would look into those before reading this book.

Serpent & Dove

Serpent & Dove by Shelby Mahurin

***** (5 stars)

I absolutely loved this book!! Usually when books are really hyped I tend to put off reading them for a while. I don’t do this on purpose it just kind of happens. That was the case with this book and now I am wishing I had read it sooner and I am also wishing I had the rest of the books in this series because I want more. I can’t believe this is a debut novel. I loved absolutely everything about it. The world, the plot, the magic, the characters. Especially the characters!! The banter between the two main characters was amazing and I found myself having to hold back laughter because I was in public when reading it and I didn’t want people staring at me. There were some reveals all throughout the book that I never saw coming but once they were revealed I was like oh yeah that makes more sense now. Also I loved the character growth in this book especially with Reid I just hope his faith isn’t shaken too much. I can not wait to get my hands on the second book because I need more of these characters.

The Husband's Secret

The Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty

**** (4 stars)

This book focuses on 4 different stories 3 of which connect in some way in the end and we also get little snippets about the Berlin Wall that I felt didn’t really do anything for the story. So we are following Racheal, Tess, Cecilia and Janie. We only get a few chapters from Janie’s POV the rest is about the other ladies. Tess’s story is the one that didn’t really seem to connect with the others in any way. I wasn’t expecting to have multiple POVs going into this book so I struggled with that all throughout the book because we kept switching back and forth. The author did an amazing job of sucking me in with each of the individual stories even though one of them involved cheating which I hate reading about and I absolutely hated how that particular story ended I was still drawn into all of the drama. This book does have disability rep specifically amputation although it is very minor. I would liked to have seen this elaborated more on in the end. I’m glad I have finally read this one and I will definitely pick up more by this author in the future.


12 thoughts on “Mini Reviews: Beautifully Broken, Serpent & Dove And The Husband’s Secret Books 13-15 Of #20BooksofSummer21

  1. I probably wouldn’t have picked up Serpent and Dove, but a friend highly recommended it and then I won a copy. Guess it was fate, lol. I enjoyed it, but haven’t read the second in the series yet.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I absolutely loved it!! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I do it all of the time. There are so many books/series on my shelves that I keep putting off. Case in point I have the entire Throne of Glass series and have yet to read any of them.


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