September TBR


Hello bookworms!!

The past couple of months I have been setting pretty ambitious TBRs for myself and for the most part I have been successful at completing them even though I had other things happening as well. This month isn’t really any different. I am participating in a read-a-long and a buddy read as well as a monthly reading challenge plus my book club pick and there’s 2 read-a-thons that I am considering participating in as well. Also from the 13-18 I will be on another trip this time with my granny and my aunts but luckily there’s nothing going on that week. Lets see what I plan to read this month


If y’all don’t already know I participate in an online book club that Zuky from BookBum created. Every month Zuky picks a theme and then you can choose whatever book you want to read that fits the theme. For more info and to join in check out the Goodreads Page.

This months theme is BACK TO SCHOOL Reread a “required reading” book you read in school / Read a book that’s on school curriculums / Reread a book you read while attending school

I have the worst memory so I can’t remember what books I read in high school. Zuky was kind enough to leave a link to a list of popular high school required reading books and I chose from there and what I chose was The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald which I’ve been wanting to read for a while and I also decided to listen to the audiobook of The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton which will be a reread for me.

Buddy Read

Last month me and Noriko participated in our very first buddy read together and we decided to buddy read another book because we had so much fun. Noriko remembered that I had Hopeless by Colleen Hoover on my TBR so we chose that book. We started it on the second and we are halfway through it. We read 8 chapters a day so we should finish it within the week.



Most of y’all probably know Janel from Keeper of Pages already so you are most likely aware that she does these Stephen king read-a-longs on Instagram. I was unaware of this until recently when I just happened to see her post about it. Anybody else hate Instagrams Algorithm? Anyways this months read-a-long is #oneweekofmisery. We are supposed to pick a week and read Misery by Stephen King. I decided to read it from the 1-7 which maybe wasn’t the greatest idea since I am also buddy reading a book. I’m not as far into it as I should be but hopefully I can still finish it on time. After everyone has a chance to read it we will do a discussion at the end of the month on it.


Reading Challenge

Again I am sure all of y’all know who Kathy from Books & Munches is. Every month she does different reading challenges and this months challenge is Sequel September. For this challenge we are meant to read sequels. In preparation for the challenge I went through my Goodreads read shelf and wrote down every book that is part of a duology, trilogy, and series and ended up having 55. That’s a lot. Since then I have marked some off that I have no interest in completing and some that I realized I had already completed. While that knocked that number down quite a bit I still have a lot of uncompleted series. I’m still going through them but I have made a list of the ones I own. As of right now the only ones I definitely want to get to this month are the last 2 books in the Afton Morrison series and Escaping from Houdini which I have preordered and will start reading as soon as I get it. Other than those I’m not sure which ones I will get to this month.

Also as I mentioned earlier I am thinking about participating in some read-a-thons this month but haven’t made up my mind yet. If I do decide to participate in any it will be the Banned Book-a-thon that’s going to be from the 23-29. I don’t know what I will read but I still have time to decide.

I almost forgot about the 24 hour read-a-thon that Noriko and Lily do almost every month so I might be participating in that as well. I just keep adding on to my already ambitious TBR. Have you read any of the books I mentioned? What do you plan on reading? Do you know of any read-a-thons happening this month?


18 thoughts on “September TBR

  1. Your TBR looks great Misty, I really admire all these challenges you are doing. Also, yep. I hate the Instagram Algorithm too. I never see anyones posts anymore. I am tempted to just put my pictures on instagram and forget about instagram.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!! I like to challenge myself. Sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn’t but I still enjoy trying. I know it’s so annoying that I don’t see everyone’s pictures and it’s not like I can go through each individual account because I follow over 800 people.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, the Shadowhunters-books and The Lunar Chronicles! I’d love to read those again sometime. Won’t be in the near future though. Hope you’ll be tempted to pick up those. 🙂

    Good luck on all the reading and have fun with the buddy read!

    Apart from my own challenge, I don’t think I’m going to join other readathons but.. then again.. I haven’t really properly checked out which ones are going on this month so maybe I should do that first. I do believe I saw a contemporary-related one but it collides with my TBR quite a bit since it’s mostly fantasy sequels on there.. We’ll see. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope I can get to several of the ones on my list cause they are all one that I really want to continue with.

      Thank you. I am really enjoying my buddy read I love being able to talk through the book as we are reading it and it helps that I’m really into the book.

      The only read-a-thon that I know of happening this month is the banned book-a-thon at the end of the month.


    1. Idk if I can just not complete the series especially since it’s one I am interested in continuing. I know everybody pretty much hates the other 2 books and most likely I will too but I just need to finish it.


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