Book Tags

The Folk Of The Air Book Tag

Hello bookworms!!

I was tagged by Xandra from Starry Sky Books who just so happens to be the creator of this tag as well as the graphics used. Thank you so much for the tag Xandra if you aren’t already following her you should go do that now.


  1. You must tag the original creator (Xandra @ Starry Sky Books)
  2. Spoilers galore! You should probably read The Cruel Prince first! (You don’t really need to read The Wicked King, but that would be nice.)
  3. Answer all the questions.
  4. Try to tag at least 3 other bloggers.



Jude: A character who would probably kill you in your sleep.

Lord Voldemort was the first person to come to mind.


Cardan: A character who seems like a Bad Guy but is ultimately more complex than you thought.

I’m going to say Thomas Cresswell. He’s not a bad guy but he is a very blunt person and at first he comes off as a jerk but you will quickly fall in love with him.

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Locke: A character (or plot twist) that made you want to throw the book.

Honestly every character in this book was really annoying and I pretty much wanted to throw the book across the room the whole time I was reading it.


Taryn: A character who deceived you.

At first I thought The Darkling was going to end up being a “good” villain but I quickly learned that was not the case.


Vivi: A book that was significantly different from the others in its series.

Y’all know I ended up really disliking this book. Every character seemed to be someone completely different to who we got to know in the first 3 books.


Valerian: A character who just needs to die (or, you know, get stabbed).

Clancy!! I was over this character immediately and he ends up making appearances in every single freaking book and I just wanted them to kill him.


Oak: A smol™ character you would protect at all costs.

I mean is it any surprise to y’all that I would pick Simon. I just love him so much.


The Cruel Prince: A book that surprised you with a twist.

This whole book was pretty much a surprise for me. It ended up being so much darker then I was expecting but I still ended up enjoying it.


The Wicked King: A book you thought was better (or worse) than the first in the series.

I know I already used this book but it was what came to mind, probably because I recently read it. This book in my opinion was nowhere near as good as the first book.


The Queen of Nothing: A book you’re excited for, but know nothing about.

I’m so excited to read this series. I read the synopsis forever ago but I don’t remember what it’s about.

That’s all for today guys. If you want to do this tag then consider yourself tagged. Please link back to a specific post of mine so I can read your answers as well. Have you read any of the books I mentioned? Do you agree or disagree with any of my answers?


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