End Of The Year

My Year In Books 2020

Hello bookworms!!

Ok two things before we get into the actual post. First this is the final post of blogmas for me. I did it guys I posted every single day this month. I knew I could because I have done it before but it had been a while. Lastly sorry this post is going up so late in the day. I always wait until the last minute to do these posts because they take me a while to put together. One day I will be better organized. 

Now on to what this post is actually about. Today I am going to be sharing my year in books with y’all. I’ve always got these statistics from Goodreads but this year I will also be including some stats from The StoryGraph and some things that I have kept up with on my own. Just like last year some of the stats are a little bit off but luckily I keep up with it in my journal. Also to keep this post from being extremely long I have made a separate post that will have a list of every book I read in 2020 along with pictures and links to reviews I have written and it will be going up tomorrow. Without further ado here is my year in books for 2020.


Ok So I have actually read 92 books this year. I beta read 2 books for authors that aren’t up on Goodreads yet so I couldn’t add them but I did count them in my final numbers. Like last year I can’t actually give you an accurate page count because between Goodreads, The StoryGraph and my own number I have 3 different numbers. Goodreads says I’ve read 29,954 pages, The StoryGraph says 26,664 pages and I say 29,144.




The shortest book I read this year was actually Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer: A Couple of Misfits coming in at 20 pages. I added it on Goodreads so I don’t know why it  shows a different book as the shortest. My average book lenght has gone up a little since last year.



These stats don’t really surprise me. The least popular book was Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer: A Couple of Misfits. My average rating went down from 3.9 last year to 3.7 this year.


I wasn’t expecting to see this as the highest rated book. Not because it’s not a good book because it is and I highly recommend all of this authors books. I was surprised because it’s not as popular as a lot of the books I read this year. I am glad this one is here though because like I said I recommend everything this author writes.


Now we are moving over to the stats from The StoryGraph. I love how this site breaks it down for us. This one breaks down the mood of the books and if I was to click on a color it would give me a list of all of the books with that mood.


This doesn’t surprise me. I prefer fast paced books and again I can get a list of all of the books in each section if I was to click on it.


I’ve noticed over the years that I don’t tend to pick up very long books although reading King has changed that a little. I think between 300 and 500 is typical for me. And once again if I wanted to see which books were in each category I could just click on it.

img_9323The first year using The StoryGraph and the first year I actually read a non-fiction. I never read non-fiction but I did this year because of the group I read Kings books with. I read On Writing and actually ended up enjoying it more than I expected. 



Ok this is probably my favorite stats breakdown. I am horrible at figuring out what genre each book I read is and The StoryGraph has done it for me. Also I am not at all surprised that romance is my most read genre are you?

My Star Ratings

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ – 12
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ –  44
⭐️⭐️⭐️ – 31
⭐️⭐️ – 8
⭐️ – 1

I didn’t have very many 5 star ratings this year and I had only 1 DNF which is what my 1 star ratings are for.

Female Authors: 43

Male Authors: 10

New To Me Authors: 40

Authors I’ve Read Before: 14

I know these numbers don’t add up to the amount of books I read this year but there were several authors that I read multiple books by throughout the Year.

Borrowed From Library: 6

I didn’t use my library as much as usual this year because of Covid but I did manage to borrow some from the library before lockdown.

Audiobooks Listened To: 50

I listened to 50 audiobooks this year thanks to Scribd. I’ve never really kept up with this before so I can’t say for sure but I am pretty sure this is the most audiobooks I have listened to in a year.

Owned Books: 39

Of the 39 owned books I read 13 were ebooks and 26 were physical books. I didn’t read the books I had planned too at the beginning of the year but I still managed to get some off of my TBR so that’s good.

That’s all for todays post. Let me know how your year was in the comments below. What was your most shocking statistic?



27 thoughts on “My Year In Books 2020

  1. My average rating is a 3.6 so quite close to yours! I’m going to be using Storygraph more in 2021, so I’m curious what my stats will be at the end of the year.

    Liked by 2 people

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