Book Hauls

February 2019 Book Haul Revisited

Book Haul

Hello bookworms!!

I am always hauling books so I thought I would continue on with this series until I get tired of doing it. Last year I went through all of my book hauls from 2018. This year I will be going through all of my book hauls from 2019. Today I am going to be looking back at the books I hauled in February of 2019. I don’t really have a goal for this I just kind of want to look back and see how much of what I have hauled I’ve actually read and it’s going to refresh my memory. I think for this year though I might try and pick 1 book from the list that I haven’t read yet to read in the month. I’m not sure if I will stick to this though so don’t hold me to that. If I have reviewed the book, I will leave links to my reviews otherwise I will just make the text bold. Anyways let me stop blabbing and get to the books.

  1. Girl, Keep Fighting by Channon Bailey
  2. Heir of Doom by Jina S. Bazzar
  3. Extinction of All Children by L.J. Epps
  4. Journey to Territory M by L.J. Epps
  5. Journey to Territory U by L.J. Epps
  6. Unconditional Love by Alexa Whitewolf
  7. Airports, Exes and Other Things I’m Over by Shani Petroff
  8. Blind Date with a book – All I know about this book is that it is a historical romance. I can’t remember what it was and therefore don’t even know if I’ve read it or not.
  9. Wolf Totem by Jiang Rong
  10. Lowcountry Boil by Carl T. Smith
  11. Violin by Anne Rice
  12. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows

I’ve read 6 maybe 7/12 books I hauled in February of 2019. As for the book I am going to pick to read this month I think I am going to go with Unconditional Love by Alexa Whitewolf because it’s a short book. If I can, I might try to read Airports, Exes and Other Things I’m Over by Shani Petroff as well but Unconditional Love will for sure be put on my TBR. Have you read any of the books I mentioned? 


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