February TBR


Hello bookworms!!

I am finally sharing my February TBR. I’m a little bit late getting this up but that’s ok. This is my main TBR for the month. It doesn’t include my TBR for Tropeathon that is happening the last 2 weeks of the month. I will be posting a separate TBR for that closer to the start date which is February 14th. If you missed the announcement post check it out for all of the info on that. Anyways here are some of the books I hope to get through this month.

Again, but Better – This is a carry-over from January. Erin and I started our buddy read of it last month. We’ve been reading 10 chapters a week and we are still making our way through it. We are currently a little over halfway through it and I’m really enjoying it so far.

Rage – This was on last months TBR as well, but I am still waiting for it to come available at the library, so I wasn’t able to read it. Hopefully it will come in this month but if it doesn’t you will see it on my March TBR as well.

Different Seasons – This months #KeeperofKing pick is Different Seasons by Stephen King. This is a collection of 4 short stories and that is all I know about it. This will also fulfill the prompt “a collection of short stories” for the Bookbloggers 2022 Fiction Reading Challenge.

The Unhoneymooners – When Bailie announced that she was hosting 2 buddy reads this month I had to jump on board. I would have joined both of them but alas only one of the books was available on Scribd so that’s the one I went with. I’ve been wanting to read something by this author duo for the longest time so it made sense to finally read this.

Regretting You – Honestly, I’ve just been in a romance mood and when I was trying to figure out what books to read this month this book said read me and I couldn’t deny it. It also fulfills the prompt for the Buzzwordathon this month.

The Flatshare – This book fulfills the prompt “compound word” for the What’s in a name challenge and again I just really want all of the romance right now.

Tokyo Ueno Station – This book was recommended to me by Luna for the 12 in 12 challenge. I have to say this is very much out of my comfort zone, but I trust Luna and I am looking forward to reading something I normally wouldn’t pick up on my own.

 The Savage & The Swan – This is the Lost in Romance Book Club pick for February. This is a book club I host with Michelle and we would love to have you join us.

King of Scars – This is the last book I am talking about in this post today, but I of course hope to read more. This book is one of the books my husband picked for me to read this year and it also fulfills the prompt “title contains a word associated with royalty” for the Bookbloggers 2022 Fiction Reading Challenge.

I usually set my TBRs for 9 books, but I always hope to read more. I will try to read as many of these as I can before Tropeathon starts on the 14th and then see if I can fit any that I have left into the prompts. I will be creating a whole other TBR for that so keep an eye out for that in the next week or so. Have you read any of the books I mentioned? What do you plan to read this month?


13 thoughts on “February TBR

  1. I haven’t read any of these, but I’ve been hearing so much about the unhoneymooners lately! Cannot wait to hear what you think! Hope you enjoy all of these and have a great February! ❤️❤️

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