#tropeathon · TBR

#Tropeathon TBR


Hello bookworms!!

Today is the first day of Tropeathon so I thought I would share what I am hoping to read. But before we get into that if you want to join us for this round of Tropeathon you can click here to learn everything you need to know about getting started. This round is taking place from today September 16th – September 30th so we have 2 weeks to read as much or as little as we want. We have 2 boards this time around. We have a hero board and a heroine board and each board has 5 prompts. Me being me I’ve picked a book for each of the prompts but I was able to double up on a couple so that helps. I have a mix of genres as well so if you aren’t a romance reader you can definitely still join us. I have a total of 8 books I’m hoping to read so lets go ahead and get to them.

Tropeathon - 3

  1. Possessive Alpha Hero – Lover Awakened by J.R. Ward
  2. Cinnamon Roll Hero – A Girl Like Her by Talia Hibbert
  3. Average Joe- The Dismembered by Jonathan Janz
  4. Morally Grey Hero – Mercy by Debra Anastasia
  5. Tortured Hero – Swordheart by T. Kingfisher

Tropeathon - 4

  1. Sunshine Heroine – Swordheart by T. Kingfisher
  2. Kick-Ass Heroine – Mating the Huntress by Talia Hibbert
  3. Sassy & Quirky – A Girl Like Her by Talia Hibbert
  4. Bad Girl Heroine – The Risk by S.T. Abby
  5. Tortured Heroine – Rock Hard by Nalini Singh

Those are the 8 books I’m hoping to read over the next 2 weeks for Tropeathon. Really this should be doable. I only need to read 4 books each week and I have read more than that in a week before so we will see how I go. Are you participating in this round of Tropeathon? What are you planning to read?


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