
The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna

The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches


Title: The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches 

Author: Sangu Mandanna

Publication Date: August 23, 2022

Genre: Fantasy Romance 

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A warm and uplifting novel about an isolated witch whose opportunity to embrace a quirky new family–and a new love–changes the course of her life.

As one of the few witches in Britain, Mika Moon knows she has to hide her magic, keep her head down, and stay away from other witches so their powers don’t mingle and draw attention. And as an orphan who lost her parents at a young age and was raised by strangers, she’s used to being alone and she follows the rules…with one exception: an online account, where she posts videos pretending to be a witch. She thinks no one will take it seriously.

But someone does. An unexpected message arrives, begging her to travel to the remote and mysterious Nowhere House to teach three young witches how to control their magic. It breaks all of the rules, but Mika goes anyway, and is immediately tangled up in the lives and secrets of not only her three charges, but also an absent archaeologist, a retired actor, two long-suffering caretakers, and…Jamie. The handsome and prickly librarian of Nowhere House would do anything to protect the children, and as far as he’s concerned, a stranger like Mika is a threat. An irritatingly appealing threat.

As Mika begins to find her place at Nowhere House, the thought of belonging somewhere begins to feel like a real possibility. But magic isn’t the only danger in the world, and when a threat comes knocking at their door, Mika will need to decide whether to risk everything to protect a found family she didn’t know she was looking for….

My Review

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I sprang this on Destiny very last minute so thank you for being up to buddy reading it with me. 

This book was perfect for this time of year. It’s such a cozy, wholesome, magical and cute book and I just loved it. I didn’t realize it until Destiny brought it up but this definitely gives me TJ Klune vibes. Specifically The House in the Cerulean Sea. This is a story about acceptance, found family and self love. It has the grumpy/sunshine trope which I really enjoy. 

I loved all of the characters introduced in this book however there were 2 standouts for me. The first one being Terracotta which is one of the 3 kids she’s supposed to be teaching how to control their powers. They get off on the wrong foot at no fault of Mika’s but there are some hijinks that ensue and for the most part it’s pretty funny. Then there’s Ian. He is an eccentric retired actor in his 70s/80s but he definitely doesn’t act his age. the banter between these characters is on point and the relationships built throughout was amazing. I wasn’t expecting the reveals at the end and I love when that happens.

Overall I loved this book. It’s such a cozy read and I highly recommend you giving this one a go if you haven’t already.



10 thoughts on “The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna

  1. This sounds like such a fun and cozy read! Great review. ❤ I just went and added it to my TBR List. Have you read Legends & Lattes by any chance? It's more high fantasy than this with orcs and the like, but it has a similar vibe to what you described with its humor and whatnot. 🙂

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