
Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews

Magic BitesTitle: Magic Bites

Author: Ilona Andrews

Series: Kate Daniels #1

Publication Date: March 27, 2007

Genre: Urban Fantasy

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Ilona Andrews invites you to experience the first novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling series featuring the intriguing fantasy world of mercenary Kate Daniels…

When the magic is up, rogue mages cast their spells and monsters appear, while guns refuse to fire and cars fail to start. But then technology returns, and the magic recedes as unpredictably as it arose, leaving all kinds of paranormal problems in its wake.

Kate Daniels is a down-on-her-luck mercenary who makes her living cleaning up these magical problems. But when Kate’s guardian is murdered, her quest for justice draws her into a power struggle between two strong factions within Atlanta’s magic circles.

The Masters of the Dead, necromancers who can control vampires, and the Pack, a paramilitary clan of shapechangers, blame each other for a series of bizarre killings—and the death of Kate’s guardian may be part of the same mystery. Pressured by both sides to find the killer, Kate realizes she’s way out of her league—but she wouldn’t have it any other way…

My Review

Rating: 1 out of 5.

DNF @ 23%

I was excited when Jonny suggested this book as our next buddy read. I’ve been wanting to read something by this author for a while now so I thought this was perfect. unfortunately this book did not work for me.

I first started reading it by listening to the audiobook. The one I found was a dramatized version. I had no idea what that meant when I started listening to it. I just thought it was going to be a normal audiobook. Boy was that no the case. I hated the dramatized version. It was to much so much so that I couldn’t even understand what was being said sometimes. I love the idea of a dramatized version but it’s just not for me. I then found the eBook on Libby and I tried listening to it while following along but that didn’t work either because the audiobook was missing a lot of the text that was in the eBook. I got 13% into the audiobook when I finally decided I was just going to start over by just reading the eBook. I was hoping this would help me to get into it more but alas that didn’t help either. 

The author throws you into the story immediately which I usually enjoy but we are thrown in with no knowledge of the world and barely get any within the little bit I was able to read. It’s definitely fast paced and the lack of world building just left me confused a lot of times not to mention all the different characters being thrown in I couldn’t keep up with who was who and who was good or bad. It was just all to much to try to keep up with. 

Because of all this I just found myself not caring about anything and every time I put the book down I had to force myself to pick it back up. I really wanted to like this book and I am sad that I didn’t. maybe one day if I can find a normal audiobook of it I will give it another try but right now that’s probably highly unlikely. 



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