This Week In Books

My Week In Books 9/11 – 9/17

Hello bookworms!!

This week has been a bit of a sad one for my family. My grandpa’s birthday was on Monday 9/11 but a day or 2 before that the hospice doctors told us he had 3-7 days. He’s been slowly getting worse and worse over the past several months which is why I visited back in June for 2 weeks. He ended up passing away on Saturday the 16th just 5 days after his 88th birthday. We knew it was coming but that doesn’t make it any easier. I’ve spent a lot of time reading this week and Tropeathon officially kicked off on Saturday as well so I’ve been reading from that TBR. Anyways lets get to the books.

~ Recently Finished ~

I finished 4 books this week. Well technically just 3 since one of them was a DNF. The first book Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews was the book I ended up DNFing. I got 23% into this when I finally decided to call it quits. I was buddy reading this one with Jonny. We will both be sharing our individual reviews on it tomorrow and then on Wednesday we will be sharing our buddy reads and rants posts so keep an eye out for that if you want to know our thoughts. I then finished Gwendy’s Magic feather by Richard Chizmar and I am enjoying these books but so far I still have a lot of questions. I’m going to be reading the final book this week and I am hoping to get all of my questions answered. Next up was The Risk by S.T. Abby. This was the first book I read for Tropeathon and I really enjoyed it. I’m hoping to read the rest of this series sooner rather than later. Last up Destiny and I finished our buddy read of How to Sell a Haunted House by Grady Hendrix. This was my first book by this author. I was really looking forward to finally reading something by him but I was nervous about picking this one up first because everyone seems to like this one the least. Luckily I ended up enjoying it more than I was expecting to. You do have to kind of suspend your disbelief but it had me invested.

~ Currently Reading ~

I didn’t pick up Rule of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo at all this week so I’m still 49% into it. I’m hoping to pick this one back up again soon. I’ve been reading 3 chapters a day of Aces Wild by Amanda Dewitt and this is another buddy read for me. I’m currently 69% into it and loving it. I started Mile High by Liz Tomforde this week for the Swoony Readers book club. I only got through 4 chapters/6% so I don’t have much of an opinion on it yet aside from the fact that I really don’t like the hero so far. I’ve been told he gets better the more you read it so I’m looking forward to that. Last but not least I started Lover Awakened by J.R. Ward. This was the second book I picked up for Tropeathon this week and I got 34% into it. I’m glad we are getting Zsadists story because I’ve been very curious about his character.

~ Reading Next ~

I have so many books to pick from but I picked 2 from my main TBR for the month and 2 from my Tropeathon TBR. There’s no way I am getting through all of the books I want to this month even though I really want to read them all.

What have you recently finished reading? What are you currently reading? What do you plan to read next? Have you read any of the books I mentioned?


13 thoughts on “My Week In Books 9/11 – 9/17

  1. I’m so sorry for your loss, Misty. Sending much love your way 💜 I hope you can find solace in the books you have been and will be reading! I’m bummed to hear that you DNF’d Magic Bites but I can see why it might not be for everyone and I’m glad it worked for me, lol! I did love the Mindf*ck series *a lot* as well and I hope you enjoy that one too. Happy reading!

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    1. Thank you so much Dini!! I definitely do that’s why I’ve been reading so much m, it keeps me distracted for a while at least. I’m so glad the you loved it so much and flew through the series. I loved the first book in the Mindf*ck series and I really hope I pick up the next book sooner rather than later like I usually do.


  2. Sorry for your loss. It’s certainly never easy. *HUGS* Glad you enjoyed The Risk. Not surprised at all. LOL! That series just gets better and better and more and more addictive. Hope you are enjoying Zsadists’ story. I’m looking forward to returning to the series at some point. Can’t remember which book I’m on. I’ll have to check on GR.

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    1. Thank you so much Ali!! 🫂 I had a feeling I would enjoy it I just always put off everything I know I’m going to enjoy for some reason 😂 I really hope I don’t wait forever to pick up the next book. I am enjoying Zsadists’ story. I need to start reading these closer together instead of wait years between each book.

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