
Down The TBR Hole 13

Hello bookworms!!

Down the TBR Hole is a meme that was originally created by Lia @ lost in a story but she has handed it over to Jody @ I’m Into Books. The only thing changing is that now you can link up to your posts. It revolves around cleansing your TBR of all those books you’re never going to read and sorting through it all to know what’s actually on there. I started this meme last year and I did 36 posts, however for some reason I stopped keeping track of how many books I had removed and I was to lazy to go back through all of the posts to figure it out so I figured I would just start over this year but I am going to be starting where I left off last year so I am not going to be going through the ones I decided to keep on my TBR last year. Hopefully this year I will be better at keeping up with it. So as of January 20th when I am drafting this post I have 1,526 books on my want to read shelf on Goodreads and 129 of those are the ones I decided to keep last year while doing this meme. So I still have 1,397 books to go through. Ok I think that’s all of the updating I needed to do so lets get to the books now shall we.

Most of you probably know this feeling, your Goodreads TBR pile keeps growing and growing and it seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. You keep adding, but you add more than you actually read. And then when youre scrolling through your list, you realize that you have no idea what half the books are about and why you added them. Well, thats going to change!

It works like this:

  • Go to your Goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 (or even more!) if youre feeling adventurous) books. Of course, if you do this weekly, you start where you left off the last time.
  • Read the synopsis of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go

I have decided that I am only going to include images of the books I am keeping so I don’t use up too much of my photo storage. Also, if I haven’t started a series, I am only going to be keeping the first book in the series. There’s a possibility they will be added back if I enjoyed the first book enough to want to carry on. I can already tell you that if I own the book, I will not be taking it off of my want to read shelf whether it’s the first book in a series or the last.


Leah on the Off Beat

Bring Me Back

Monday's Not Coming


The State of Grace

Unbroken: 13 Stories Starring Disabled Teens

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine


  1. Unbury Carol by Josh Malerman
  2. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum
  3. The City of Lost Fortunes by Bryan Camp
  4. Wheelchairs, Perjury and the London Marathon by Tim Marshall
  5. The Color of Heaven by Julianne MacLean
  6. Seashells, Spells & Caramels by Erin Johnson
  7. The V Girl: A Coming of Age Story by Mya Roberts
  8. Releasing the Demons by L.D. Rose


  • Starting Amount = 1,526 (This is really 1,397 because I am not going through the 129 I already decided to keep last year when doing this.)
  • Kept = 7
  • Removed = 8
  • Total Gone Through So Far = 190
  • Total Removed This Year So Far = 109
  • New Amount = 1,417
*I should mention that I'm always adding books to my TBR so the numbers might not always add up.

It was another good week for removing books. I removed more than I kept even if it was just 1 book. I kept 7 and removed 8 this week. Did I remove any that you think I should have kept? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.


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