

Hello bookworms!! It’s time for another round of Tropeathon!! If you are new here Tropeathon is a readathon that I cohost with my friend Michelle. It’s catered to those of us that love romance. We try to do a round every quarter but sometimes life gets in the way and we aren’t able to. Luckily… Continue reading Tropeathon


Tropeathon Is Back!! November 14th – December 4th

Hello bookworms!! I’m sure most of y’all have heard of #Tropeathon before but for those of you who haven’t it is a readathon that I cohost with my friend Michelle every few months. It’s centered around tropes. Of course, Michelle and I are avid romance readers, but we include a wide range of different tropes… Continue reading Tropeathon Is Back!! November 14th – December 4th