Book Tags

This or That Tag: Spring Edition

TagHello bookworms!!

Today I am sharing a tag with y’all. I recently saw Lucy do this tag over on her blog. She didn’t tag me but I wanted to join in. She gathered the options for this tag through google. Let’s jump into it shall we.

Daffodils or Daisies

They are both pretty but since this is a this or that tag I would pick Daisies over Daffodils.

Picnic or BBQ

Picnic for sure. I love BBQ but I am also really picky when it comes to meat. I can’t stand the fatty bits so I tend to avoid it most of the time because there’s no way to avoid the fatty meat completely.

Sundress or Dungarees

I would have to go with a sundress even though I don’t wear dresses all that often IRL.

Birds or Butterflies

I love butterflies. I love birds as well but butterflies win this round.

Sunshine or Rain

I understand that we need rain every now and then but I prefer sunshine.

Lemonade or Iced Tea

I will have to go with lemonade for this one. I only like my granny’s tea and she passed away almost 2 years ago now so there’s no getting her tea anymore.

Gardening or Hiking

I would love to be able to go on hikes but being a double amputee wheelchair user there’s not really any wheelchair accessible hiking trails so I guess I will have to stick to gardening.

Strawberries or Cherries

This is probably the easiest one. I love strawberries and hate cherries.

Florals or Polka dots

This would be both but since I have to pick one or the other I would probably go with polka dots.

Bunnies or Chicks

Ok this one I refuse to pick one or the other. They both are to freaking cute to pick between.

Pastels or Neutrals

I like both but for spring I would have to go with pastel.

Milk Chocolate Bunnies or Easter Eggs

Neither! Sorry but I don’t like chocolate so I wouldn’t eat either of these. But if by Easter Eggs you mean the eggs you boil and color then I would pick that.

Rack of Lamb or Glazed Ham

Again this one would really be neither. I don’t think I have ever eaten lamb in my life and I’m not the biggest fan of ham but I do eat it every now and then.

Lemon Drizzle Cake or Carrot Cake

Carrot Cake. I didn’t know I liked Carrot Cake until the past couple of years.

Yellow or Green

Both really but picking between the two I would probably lean more towards green.

That’s it for todays post. I had fun doing this one. I’m not going to tag anyone specifically but if you want to do it then consider yourself tagged. Please just link back to a specific post of mine so I can read your answers and give Lucy the credit she deserves for coming up with this. 


3 thoughts on “This or That Tag: Spring Edition

  1. I’ll take your chocolate eggs, Misty. 😂 This is a fun post. I wouldn’t be able to pick one or the other for a lot of these. I am not a big fan of yellow or green, I like red. Have a wonderful week.

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