Book Tags

The Firsts of 2023 Book Tag


Hello bookworms!!

I first saw Dini do this tag and I saved it so I wouldn’t forget about it but of course I did anyways but then Ali did it and it has stuck in my mind ever since. I wasn’t tagged by anyone but I thought it would be fun to look back all the way to the beginning of the year. This book tag was originally created by Tanya @girlxoxo. Without further delay lets get to the prompts shall we.

First Book Read This Year

Marlowe Banks, Redesigned

The first book I read this year was Marlowe Banks, Redesigned by Jacqueline Firkins. This was a book that I got through NetGalley and I ended up enjoying it.

First Book Reviewed

Marlowe Banks, Redesigned

On January 1 I shared a post where I reviewed 4 books that I read at the end of 2022 and you can find that post here. However, the first book that I reviewed in 2023 that I actually read in 2023 was Marlowe Banks, Redesigned by Jacqueline Firkins.

First Book By A Debut Author

I don’t think I have read any debut books this year.

First Book By A New-To-Me Author

Under One Roof

The first book I read by a new to me author was Under One Roof by Ali Hazelwood. I’ve read 4 books by this author at this point and I’ve liked them all.

First Book That Slayed Me

kingdom of ash

I’m taking this as a book that broke my heart. And the first one that I remember really struggling to read because I was crying so much was Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas.

First Book That I Wish I Could Get Back The Time I Spent Reading It

Honestly this whole trilogy. Individually I liked them well enough but as a whole I was left very disappointed and by the last book it felt like a repeat of what happened in the first 2 books.

Feel free to do this tag if you want to just please link back to a specific post of mine because I would love to see your answers.


8 thoughts on “The Firsts of 2023 Book Tag

  1. MISTY THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN. ive always had terrible luck with netgally books (like, i end up hating them EVERY SINGLE TIME. how?? does this?? happen??) so you enjoying a netgalley book is pretty insane to me!!!! i kind of also want to read maas’ throne of glass series to see what the tears are about 👀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. NetGalley has been hit or miss for me. I’ve found some I love and some that I don’t love either way I just love having the opportunity to read them all. I put off reading the Throne of Glass series for years even though I owned all of the books. When books are really popular I tend to avoid them even though I want to read them and I know I will love them. I’m glad I finally read that series though because I loved it so much!!


  2. Loved reading your answers! I still haven’t finished Maas’ ToG series! I actually bought the physical copies of the series last month so I could get on with my re-read and finally finish it but maybe I’ll save that for 2024. 😂 Also, such a bummer to hear about The Belles series. I heard the first book was awesome. Sorry to hear that the rest of the books weren’t great. I hope you continue to read amazing things in 2023!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!! I put off read the ToG series for a long time. I liked the Belle books well enough but I just needed more from them. They were all 3 or 4 stars. My favorite and the one that got the 4 stars was the second one.


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