
2017 Reading/Blogging Goals: How Did I Do?

Hello bookworms!!

On January 1st 2017 I decided to document my reading/blogging goals in writing (well in this case typing) to try and hold myself accountable for what I wanted to accomplish in the year and I thought today would be a good day to look back at those goals (you can find my original post here) and see how I did. Without further ado lets see how 2017 worked out for me.

Reading Goals:

Goodreads Challenge: Every year for the past few years I have set myself a reading goal on Goodreads. Usually its a small goal but the last couple of years I upped the amount of books I wanted to read because I have been reading more than I ever have. This year I started my goal at 50 which was the same goal I had for 2016. When I realized I was going to reach that goal pretty early on I decided to up my goal to 60. I am happy to say I met that goal and even surpassed it by reading 81 books. I am still currently in the middle of 3 different books that I am hoping to finish by the end of the year but if I don’t that’s fine because I’ve already read more than I had planned to read.

Classics: In 2016 I kind of ventured into reading classic novels and I wanted to try reading more in 2017. Unfortunately this was a big fail for me. I have a hard time getting into classics which makes me not ever want to pick one up.

Read-a-thons: I participated in my first ever read-a-thon in 2016 and I loved it so much that I wanted to participate in more. I didn’t have any specific ones I wanted to participate in or a certain amount but I would definitely call this a success because I participated in so many throughout the year.

Blogging Goals:

Scheduling: I’m more of a fly by the seat of my pants type of person so while I don’t necessarily have a set schedule I have found what works for me so I would say this was a success.

Posting: My goal was to post at least 3 times a week. I’m pretty sure I posted more than 3 times a week and sometimes I posted everyday. So again another success.

Reviews: My goal for 2017 was to try and review all of the books that I read but I said I would be happy with reviewing half of them. I’m still posting some reviews and while I didn’t review every book I read I did review over half of them.

Interacting with my followers: I wanted to work on commenting on everyone’s posts this year and I think I have done that. While I don’t comment on every single post because I still sometimes struggle with coming up with something better than I liked your post I do like all of your posts.


Overall I would say this year was a success with only one fail. I still have some challenges to wrap up but I will be doing those separately in the new year. How did you do with your goals?

31 thoughts on “2017 Reading/Blogging Goals: How Did I Do?

  1. You’ve done awesome, Misty!! Classics are a bit intimidating and hard to immerse yourself at times, so I would say it doesn’t count lol Other than that, you’ve done spectacularly! Keep up the great work, Misty 🙂

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  2. Great goals and one fail still makes for a fantastic year! 81 one books read is amazing!! I hope to do better next year because I definitely did not reach mine. Also, like you, I’m not a dedicated book blogger but I made it a point to review all the books I read in 2017 on Goodreads and was pretty successful with that so I share in your happiness there! Congratulations and cheers to an awesome 2018! 😊

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  3. Wonderful year! Congrats on accomplishing so much that you wanted to. Choosing classics is tough one. I did quite a few in school but would also like to read others I missed… I’m hopeful to get about 3 done in 2018.

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